
blue How to Talk About Health podcast image

How to Talk About Health with Krista Lamb

How we talk about health is important, and even those with the best intentions don’t always do it well. In the How to Talk About Health podcast, I ask some of the best healthcare communicators I know to share their tips and tricks.

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Actions on Diabetes Podcast

Each episode of theActions on Diabetes podcast includes a discussion between myself and a Diabetes Action Canada researcher and Patient Partner about a topic of interest in patient-oriented research.

Listen on Apple Music or Spotify

Man with lab gear looking at sample

Commercializing Living Therapies with CCRM

I host and produced this podcast with CCRM. It’s a great deep-dive into topics related to the commercialization of cell and gene therapies, and a chance for me to help others learn about everything from the ethics of this field to how to support reimbursement of therapies that can be so expensive.

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Unbreakable: The OC Podcast from Osteoporosis Canada

I host and produce this series of short interviews with osteoporosis experts. It has been fascinating to learn more about this chronic condition while speaking to scientists and health care providers, as well as those with lived experience.

Listen now!

Actions on Diabetes Podcast Logo

Diabetes: From Beta Cells to Bicycles Podcast

I host and produce this seasonal series with the BC Diabetes Research Network. Each season, they highlight a selection of the researchers in their network and the ways they are supporting better health for everyone with diabetes in British Columbia and beyond.

Listen now! 

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The Diabetes Canada Podcast

From 2017 until December 2023, I produced and hosted the Diabetes Canada Podcast. Get updates on the latest diabetes research, hear stories from those living with the disease, and find out what you can do to make a difference.

Listen here: Apple Music, SpotifyAndroid