Running Against Time

Because I work out pretty regularly, I was under the impression that training for a 5K would be relatively easy. Not that I don’t have a huge amount of respect for runners – I do – I just thought it would be a fairly easy transition to go from one form of fitness to...

Wine Wednesday

On Twitter, Wine Wednesday is a very popular hashtag. It’s fun to chat about what you’re drinking and post photos. It was started by a man named Eric (twesommelier) and has taken on a life of its own since then. It’s a great opportunity to share...

Prince Edward County Adventure

Beautiful creek and bridge at Karlo Estates Recently, Shawn and I booked a weekend away in Prince Edward County. Since I’ve become interested in food and wine, I’ve been fascinated with all that’s going on in that part of Ontario. There seem to be so many amazing wine...


So I’ve made a decision – after mulling over a number of the suggestions people gave me and adding a few of my own to that list, I decided that the one I loved best is… Upkeep. It was suggested by one of my old music industry friends – the very talented public...