Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers’ Market

On Thursday, July 19th, I attended a Tweet-up at Dufferin Grove Organic Farmers’ Market hosted by Vicki from Mom Who Runs. I love Tweet-ups and was excited to attend this one – I’ve known Vicki on Twitter forever, but had never met her in person. I love any...

Iced Tea Instead

Having kicked the iced coffee addiction into high gear this summer, I’m actively trying to find alternative options that involve less caffeine, sugar and whatever else they put in those drinks. It’s working, to a degree. One of my biggest allies in the fight has been...

Sandbanks Rose

Sandbanks Rosé Shawn and I visited Sandbanks Winery in Prince Edward County as part of our recent winery tour. It’s a beautiful, laidback place full of colourful Muskoka chairs and beautiful views. It’s a great space for relaxing with a glass of wine and I understand...

Morning Madness

It seems like the earlier I get up, the more frazzled I am before I leave the house. When I had a 45-minute walk to work, I got up at 6:30am and was out the door by 8am. I don’t remember it being terribly stressful. Now I have a ten minute walk and try to get up...