
I first came across Unquenchable in a magazine. I thought the cover was cute and the premise even cuter – “a tipsy quest for the world’s best bargain wines.’ It looked fun and informative and I added it to my mental ‘to read’ list....

Vineland Estates Unoaked Chardonnay

I was always interested in wine – it’s something I wanted to know more about, but felt incredibly intimidated by. Then one day I decided to step into the conversation on Twitter and I asked Brian Schmidt (@benchwineguy) some questions about VQA events. He...

Running Update

Recently, Shawn asked (in the nicest way possible) why I wasn’t working out. He was used to me going to the gym a few days a week and lately I’ve been running a few times a week too. But then last week I just… stopped. I didn’t run, I...

Tasting Room Radio

When I decided to become more proactive about my interest in wine, I felt like I should do what I could to educate myself on the topic. I learned very quickly that this wasn’t going to be easy – there is just so much to know and so very many wines to...